Dec. 3rd- 7th Todd and I went to Wisconsin to visit. We flew there (after catching a plane at 5am) and stayed in Kenosha for a night and then went to Madison for the rest of the stay. It was SO fun!
Todd and Stephen (very left) were companions on their missions and they converted Tom (just left of Todd). He went through the temple on Saturday and we were able to be there. It was SUCH a neat experience! We loved it!
Tom and Jenni (middle) let us stay with them while we were there. We had such a fun time and I really love them so much! Can't you just tell what neat people they are?
He received his endowments in the Chicago temple. It is now one of my new favorites! I love Wisconsin!
Elder Thomas and Elder Horrocks... together again ha ha ha!
Wisconsin was one of the best trips I've ever been on. No wonder Todd loved his mission and the people there so much!!!