? ??????????????Last Beat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??16 Grabs Today. 2890 Total Grabs. ??????Pr
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Raef Quoting Enchanted- TAKE 2

If you have seen the movie Enchanted you will appreciate this 10x more than if you haven't! I think it's hillarious... well Raef just cracks me up anyway, but this is EXTRA cute! This is the part where the little animal guy is trying to act out what's going to happen to Gazelle. Apple?... No thank you... It's good! ha ha ha Definitely one of my favorite "Raef moments"!


Jaimie said...

Hi Suelyn,

Dallon and I watched Rafe's take 1 and 2 and laughed so hard. That is so cute. I loved reading about all the things that you did on your trip back home last weekend. Keep up the good work on your blog. I love to come look at it and see what you are up to.