? ??????????????Last Beat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??16 Grabs Today. 2890 Total Grabs. ??????Pr
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Friday, January 23, 2009

Pres. Ambassadors Senior Overnight

As an ambassador as SUU, I got to host an overnight. Two girls from a high school in Salt Lake (Alta and another one) came to stay with me in my dorm to see what SUU is all about. They were already friends so it was a lot of fun...

Mo(Morgan) and I, at the bowling alley just messing around.

This was the final score board after bowling. My score was the top score... 102 :) and Jon got 78. Now he owes me chocolate chip cookies cuz I won!! Woot Woot!

Jon was a little upset that he lost...

But, we're still friends :)

Kyle, ready to lick my face off and Sam :)

My happy dance after getting a strike!!

Out of order, but this is right before I got a strike.

These girls were so fun to be around!

Kyle... licking my face... again lol

Lexie and me... just having a great ol' time!

Farmer Jon and Suey.... we sort of had a farm theme going on.

Sam (another ambassador), Mo, Lexie and Me... watching The Office before we went bowling.

Circle "get-to-know-you" games!!

My new friend, Stephen Blake. We had met about 5 minutes before we took this picture :D lol


Katie Hansen said...

Seriously, is there anybody cuter than you?

Melanie said...

Bowling huh?? Could that be why you have a few BROKEN nails. Good one! I was feeling bad for you after we hung up that you HAD to have them stay with you, but it looks like TONS of fun. YEA for you for TOP SCORE!

Mike and Noel said...

i love those girlys!!

Jana said...

Hey Suzie Q,
Cute pics. Love ya. How are the clothes working out for you?

Joan said...

Hi Sue. Love your photos, almost as much as I love U.

camille swain said...

good job on your bowling! Is it as fun as the wii?! I'm blogging again starting today so check my blog out. I feel like an idiot for stopping for so long. See ya sue!

Debra said...

Looks like you are still having a ton of fun! Cute Pictures!!!

*tara* said...

we need an update!! you and noel are the only way i can keep up with what's happening in cedar!!

camille swain said...