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Thursday, August 21, 2008

College Life

Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. It's been crazy here in CEDAR CITY!! YAYA!!!! But I love it! I love this town. I have lots of new friends. There are about 5 or 6 of us that have hung out a LOT since we have been here. The first 3 days I got here I stayed with Mom and Dad at Mel's house. Then when I actually moved in to my dorm it was a little weird the first night. It was fun though. A bunch of us hung out and watched Step Up and played card games and got to know each other. Most of us were there early because we are Presidential Ambassadors for the school and there was a retreat MOnday through Wednesday.
The retreat- it was a BLAST!!!! I got to know so many new people!! We did a lot of training to learn what's expected of us as ambassadors but we also just got to do a lot of hanging out and mingling. All of the ambassadors are SO LOUD... so it was great fun! :)
Funny story about the retreat- we were playing "The Sock Game". It's a game where a bunch of people sit in a circle with there knees up and there feet in front of them and one person stands in the middle. You have this sock with another sock stuffed down in it so it kind of makes a ball on the end. To start the game you wack the person in the middle with the end of the sock (the ball part). Then you try to pass the sock around the circle under your legs to the people next to you without the person in the middle being able to grab it. Well the Student Body Pres. of the school (John) likes to tease me. I don't know why ha ha But it's fun! Well he was playing with us and the whole time he was laughing at me. The thing is, with this game you kind of have to squat to reach in and try to grab the sock. Well squating takes a lot of balance and John kept sort of pushing me over a little so that I would have to regain my balance. Well one time he pushed me a little too far and I landed on this guy that I hardly knew. I totally fell into his lap and he had to shove me back up because I couldn't get up myself. It was humiliating. If that isn't enough... after he shoved me back up I lost my balance again and fell in his lap AGAIN! And if that wasn't enough... about 5 seconds later John pushed me again and I fell in the SAME GUY'S LAP!!! It was definitely one of my most embarrassing moments. John was laughing so hard he had to take a break from the game ha ha
Well anyway... right now all of us freshman are suffering through "Welcome Week"... I've had so many pep talks I'm pretty much sure I can do anything... so I'm thinking about becoming a primaballerina :P ha ha Oh... some friends just got here and are tearing me away from the computer. We are gonna run to Walmart... HEY... There's a WALMART here!!!! WOO HOO!! Love you all!!! I will post pictures soon!


camille swain said...

I am so glad you have a blog so I can read about your life. Write more for me to read. thanks for the post. love ya.

Melanie said...

Fun Fun Fun! You have the best personality for college, I can't believe how many friends you already have. Good job, it will make every day that much more fun! I'm still waiting for you to call crying that you are homesick...just remember I am here when that happens. Ha Ha Ha!! Keep havning fun!