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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Started Aug. 25th

School started two days ago and so far it's been pretty darn great. I really like one of my classes! It's Education 2000... you learn how to teach. The professor is a man (the only male professor I have) and for some reason I think they make better teachers for older students. It's a lot of fun! It's casual and everyone speaks up and gives their opinion and it's really interesting to me because it's directed to my major (elementary ed). I am also taking a nutrtion class, University 1000 (lame orientation class), Childhood development thru lifespan (or something like that), Popular Music in America, and of course INSTITUTE :) I'm taking a Book of Mormon class this semester. My first class is on Thursday! I really like college. I will admit, I had a little breakdown last night but some friends helped me through it. It was a rough night but Mom called in the morning and we had a nice long chat so everything is okay again :) I didn't really think of this before I came, but I have held in a lot of emotions because I don't have my own room to go to. So my new spot is the shower stall ha ha ha Sad, I know :S But it works. The picture of the books is only 4 of the 6 that I actually need. Right now I'm up to about $145 in books and I still have two really expensive ones to buy. Bummer. But so far I haven't had to use any of Mom and Dad's money so that's kind of cool :D Well, that's the rundown on school so far... it's a little overwhelming which was one of my problems last night, but I'm ok now and just as excited as I was when I first got here! Thanks for reminding me to post stuff about school Cam! Love y'all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tent Time!!

Navey wanted to go swimming but I didn't have my swimming suit so instead we made a tent and watched TV under it :)

Glamour Shots

Babysitting Fun :)

After Mel left I put makeup on Navey and fixed her hair. We took some glamour shots because she looked so FABULOUS! Look at those eyelashes! Oh by the way, she invented those poses all on her own ha ha

Quick trip to Hurricane

I went to Hurricane last night for a fun little trip to see the Cowdens. It was Mel and Si's anniversary so I got to tend the girls. It was a lot of fun! That place is my home away from home :) The pics of Kenna are funny because she was showing off. She would crawl and then just sprawl out and start licking the floor ha ha ha

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunsets are prettier in Southern Utah

Some of my friends were walking back to the dorms and we HAD to stop to take pictures of the sky! It's amazing down here!! Sunsets really are more amazing in Southern Utah... Camille was right!

First Date at College :)

I went on my first "college date" last night :) It was so much fun! We drove up in "Kelsey" (my date's redneck truck). Get this- they had CB's in their trucks to talk to each other! HOw cool is that?! ha ha Reminded me of Dad, Uncle Kirk and Uncle Jon on motorhome trips. Anyway, their CB names are Arctic Fox (Jennie's Date- Ryan) and Nancy (my date- Jordan). Jenny and I decided that we needed cool CB names so throughout the night we brainstormed. In the end they came up with the name "Creep" for Jenny cuz she uses the word creep ALL THE TIME ha ha And here's the story on my CB name... I was sitting by Jordan and he realized how long my torsoe is and told me it's freaky ha ha (He was kidding... I hope lol) and so my CB name ended up being Torsoe. So it was Arctic Fox and Creep... Nancy and Torsoe :D It was pretty funny! Anyway, we shot clay pigeons... that was way fun!! Then Jordan built a fire and started setting this table that he had bought at the D.I. for 5 bucks ha ha They put a table cloth on with a candle in the middle and nice dishes (it was funny cuz we were out in the sticks so it was totally redneck ha ha). We had tinfoil dinners and then made smores... it was so much fun! The two guys were so funny that Jenny and I were constantly laughing at their stupid humor and lame jokes... it was great! Then we cleaned up and they set up a TV in Dr. Brown (Ryan's aka Arctic Fox truck) and we watched Secret Window. It was so fun!! Well that's my date story :) Good stuff!! The pics are of me and Jenny cuz I forgot to get any of Jordan and Ryan. Overall the date was really really fun!! But I gotta admit... it was hard to get up for church this morning :S BUT I DID IT!! :) :P :D

Thursday, August 21, 2008


These are pics of my dorm. It's pretty small but it's lots of fun to live in the dorms :) It's like a big Motorhome ha ha


This is my Roommate, Noel! She's fun!! So... here's something cool... we both have brown bedspreads. SO our room matches and it's all cozy looking. Her's is actually brown and pink which is super cute. Noel and I are both Pres. Ambassadors so that's kinda fun :)


Weird weird weird... so Tara and I found out from our Mothers that we were both going to SUU. I thought that was pretty crazy! I mean... what are the odds right? We hadn't talked for like a year. Well then when Aunt Ruthie came out to visit she and Mom were talking and we found out that both Tara and I were going to live on Campus in Juniper Hall. Too weird. That one just blew my mind! So... as I'm moving in to my dorm on Sunday I was looking at the name tags on the doors and saw two Tara's in my hall... one right next to me and one two doors down. I was thinking... holy cow... is this for real? ha ha So I asked my RA (person in charge of my hall) if either of the Tara's last name was Jex. She went and looked it up... get this... Tara and I live RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!! WHAT THE?? How trippy is that ha ha I live in room 111 and she lives in 109. Mom said it must be destiny... for some reason we are SUPPOSED to have ended up living by each other lol It's pretty cool I think :) We haven't done too much together but there is something kinda comforting in the fact that we do have each other if we need each other. Anyway... I just thought I would share that cool story!

College Life

Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. It's been crazy here in CEDAR CITY!! YAYA!!!! But I love it! I love this town. I have lots of new friends. There are about 5 or 6 of us that have hung out a LOT since we have been here. The first 3 days I got here I stayed with Mom and Dad at Mel's house. Then when I actually moved in to my dorm it was a little weird the first night. It was fun though. A bunch of us hung out and watched Step Up and played card games and got to know each other. Most of us were there early because we are Presidential Ambassadors for the school and there was a retreat MOnday through Wednesday.
The retreat- it was a BLAST!!!! I got to know so many new people!! We did a lot of training to learn what's expected of us as ambassadors but we also just got to do a lot of hanging out and mingling. All of the ambassadors are SO LOUD... so it was great fun! :)
Funny story about the retreat- we were playing "The Sock Game". It's a game where a bunch of people sit in a circle with there knees up and there feet in front of them and one person stands in the middle. You have this sock with another sock stuffed down in it so it kind of makes a ball on the end. To start the game you wack the person in the middle with the end of the sock (the ball part). Then you try to pass the sock around the circle under your legs to the people next to you without the person in the middle being able to grab it. Well the Student Body Pres. of the school (John) likes to tease me. I don't know why ha ha But it's fun! Well he was playing with us and the whole time he was laughing at me. The thing is, with this game you kind of have to squat to reach in and try to grab the sock. Well squating takes a lot of balance and John kept sort of pushing me over a little so that I would have to regain my balance. Well one time he pushed me a little too far and I landed on this guy that I hardly knew. I totally fell into his lap and he had to shove me back up because I couldn't get up myself. It was humiliating. If that isn't enough... after he shoved me back up I lost my balance again and fell in his lap AGAIN! And if that wasn't enough... about 5 seconds later John pushed me again and I fell in the SAME GUY'S LAP!!! It was definitely one of my most embarrassing moments. John was laughing so hard he had to take a break from the game ha ha
Well anyway... right now all of us freshman are suffering through "Welcome Week"... I've had so many pep talks I'm pretty much sure I can do anything... so I'm thinking about becoming a primaballerina :P ha ha Oh... some friends just got here and are tearing me away from the computer. We are gonna run to Walmart... HEY... There's a WALMART here!!!! WOO HOO!! Love you all!!! I will post pictures soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I thought that Cam would REALLY get a kick out of this! Check out these step by step directions I wrote for MOm before I leave. Pretty good huh!? ha ha Funny story.... I had only 3 pages of directions but that wasn't enough. I had to write some more because I hadn't made it quite detailed enough... but now I think Mom's covered. It was pretty funny when I was helping her. I had to say things like, "Now push return" or "Click on the picture" or "Push 'open'" ha ha ha WAY TO GO MOM!

I actually had "How to open your blog" too but it had Mom's username and password on it. It went like this... 1. Open Safari 2. Type in louannheaton.blogspot.com 3. When it opens click the "sign in" link on the top,right corner 4. username-....... password....... 5. View blog (When we got to the "View Blog" step Mom said, "I would love to but how do I do that?" I had to point out the link that says "View Blog" ha ha ha ha LOTS OF FUn!!!

Sparkly Clean Tracker

Ty rode his bike over to help me clean the tracker for college. He helped a lot!! I got to order him around to do all the dirty work like fill the bucket up with soap and drag it over to where we were washing it ha ha But he made some money from it so I don't think he minded. I must say, it was "sparkly clean" when we were done. We even wiped down the inside of all the dust and vacuumed the WHOLE car. It looks NEW :) Ty said to me, "It's a good thing you are going to college so that your car would get clean" ha ha ha ha SO true!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I love this pic!! I think it's so pretty!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Frolic In the Rain

Ty came to help me paint one of the apartments that Mom and Dad own to earn some extra money. We had the window open because it was so hot and then we noticed that the paint was getting splattered by the rain. We had to close the window... but it got so HOT we decided we needed a short "frolic break". We went outside and jumped in puddles and ran under the roof where the rain was dripping really hard. After about 5 minutes we were SOAKED!! It was a blast :)


Ty, Brett and Raef came and stayed the night with me because Camille and Mike were going out of town. Grandma Lou and Grandpa Kev were out of town too so we had a LOT of fun!! We pulled a queen size mattress in from the other room. In the pictures you can only see the sweet little angels sitting nicely on the bed. Truly it was a LOT more exciting than that. My mother is not to know... but we had quite the pillow/wrestling war on that mattress. Not to mention some Superman dives off the couch and some fun jumping. We bought TONZ of treats and watched Kronk's New Groove and Matilda. They liked Matilda so much that we watched it twice that night and once in the morning. It was SOOOOO much fun!!!! Oh by the way, I have no idea how Raef ended up on the floor in that position ha ha ha