I'm going to start selling Scentsy! If you don't know what that is, it's amazing!! We sell wickless candles, car candles(air fresheners), room sprays, plug-in warmers and the scents to put in them! They smell so good!! There are over 80 scents!!! I use one in my dorm and I'm pretty sure it's the only reason I have friends ;) People come to our room wondering what we're cooking or what the good smell is. It's great! People always comment on how good my car smells too!! I'm going to come to Roosevelt one of these weekends and have a party for Scentsy. I will post the date and time! Let me know if you want to order anything or throw a party! I would love it if you did... I need help getting my business going! You can earn tonz of free stuff too! Call, text or email me if you want... 435-724-3834... suelynheaton@hotmail.com Remember Christmas is coming and these make GREAT presents!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Posted by Suelyn at 3:52 PM 7 comments
Sunday Pictures
It's so fun to be close to my nieces! They are so much fun!! I love them to death and I love playing with them!
Navey and I have been buds ever since I visited Mel right after she had her. I got to go to work with Mel and tend Navey. SHe's such a cute girl!
Kenna and I recently had quite the bonding experience. Last night I slept in her room and she woke up. I went over and tried to get her to lay down, not gonna happen. So I put her in bed with me. I fell right to sleep but when I woke up a few minutes later she was staring at me ha ha So then I picked her up and took her over to the rocking chair in her room and rocked her back to sleep. That was SOOOO cute! Oh my goodness! Well... apparently I didn't do a very good job though, because she woke up about 5 more times through the night and I would have to go over, give her a binky, and lay her down. It was cute though! Definitely worth the lack of sleep!!
Posted by Suelyn at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Little Miss Athletic
Navey is so athletic! The last time Mom and Dad came out to visit Mel, Navey was hitting pitches!! This time I could only get her to hit off her cool "T" but it was still fun to play with her!
Posted by Suelyn at 3:36 PM 3 comments
To Hurricane again! YAY!!
A thrilling game of DON'T EAT PETE!!! Navey and I were bored so I tried to think of fun games Mom used to have us play. I came up with Don't Eat Pete.
We started with marshmallows and ended with raisins. We played for so long that I got full ha ha
So cute! Sisters make the best friends!!
Once again... sisters make the best friends!! Thanks for letting me hang out Mel! I love your house... home away from home for sure! You're awesome :)
Navey and I decided we should go play outside! Lots of fun!! She's a goof :)
Posted by Suelyn at 3:26 PM 1 comments
*SUU Homecoming Parade**
My friend Cindy and I were in the Homecoming parade for Ballroom :) It was tons of fun... well sort of. We had to be to the ballroom by 11:30am to run through our dance. We did a "Lindy"... if you don't know what that is, it involves a lot of bouncing and hopping and lifts... VERY TIRING! So we met in the ballroom and practiced about 10 times. Then we lined up and practiced in a parking lot about 5 more times. It was SOOOOO hot outside! So when the parade actually started, my friend Sadie counted how many times we did the dance.... FIFTEEN!! That makes the total come to somewhere around 25 or 30 times doing that dance. Plus, when we would get done dancing in the parade we would have to run/jog to catch up to the rest of the parade again... so it was Dance... run... dance... run... dance... run... etc. WOW!!! What a workout!
This pic is just Cindy and I being dumb ha ha The P.A.'s (a leadership group Cindy and I are both part of) were "doctors spreading 'Red Fever'" in the parade. We felt left out so we took some of their masks. Funny story: We tied one end of both of the masks together... I don't know if you can get a mental image of what that looked like, but it was similar to a bra... lame college humor, I know.
Posted by Suelyn at 3:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Professor Kitteridge
My EDUC2000 professor is from Altamont!! He graduated from Altamont High School!!!! We had a nice long talk after class about the good ol' Duchesne County :) It was pretty awesome! He knows Brent Fielsted and Greg Todd and all sorts of stuff. It was nice to find someone who actually knows that the Uintah Basin exists ha ha
Posted by Suelyn at 2:10 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Raef Quoting Enchanted- TAKE 1
Mikel Raef Swain quoting from Disney's ENCHANTED.... Take it away Raef!
Raef started to quote from the movie Enchanted but his cousin Kyle was there so he got a little distracted. So we tried again....
Posted by Suelyn at 11:41 PM 3 comments
Raef Quoting Enchanted- TAKE 2
If you have seen the movie Enchanted you will appreciate this 10x more than if you haven't! I think it's hillarious... well Raef just cracks me up anyway, but this is EXTRA cute! This is the part where the little animal guy is trying to act out what's going to happen to Gazelle. Apple?... No thank you... It's good! ha ha ha Definitely one of my favorite "Raef moments"!
Posted by Suelyn at 11:38 PM 1 comments
Zaden Rolls!
How cute!!!He's getting so old! It's kind of sad but it happens. Camille and I agreed that I have to go home at least once a month so I can see all his stages :) Good plan huh!?!
Posted by Suelyn at 11:35 PM 2 comments
Zaden Talks
Zaden talks and rolls!! He's so cute!! I held him in church and was surprised at how wiggly and squirmy he had gotten. It was fun to hold him... not that I don't like new babies... but he was a lot more entertaining than he used to be ha ha Adam thinks your kids are addorable by the way Camille. And I think they are so so so so so addorable!!! WOW!
Posted by Suelyn at 11:31 PM 0 comments
I learned how to cook a fatada!!
I watched a cooking show at Camille's house that she recorded for me and this is one thing I learned to cook! It's soooo yummy!! Thanks Cam!!
It's like an omlet but then you broil lots of cheese on top of the eggs.
Thanks for letting me use your food Mom :)
Posted by Suelyn at 11:09 PM 1 comments
Late Post- Playing at Discovery Park with the Cowdens
I went to this cool park with Mel and Si and the girls. It's called Discovery Park. Before they built it they had kids draw pictures of what kind of things they would like to play on. So they built it the way kids like it. I hope I got that story right. It's such an awesome park!
Woo Woo Mel!! Lookin' mighty fine!
Fun Fun Fun!!!!
Here's another Navey Pose :)
Ronnie came with the dogs too :)
This is one of the cool swing sets at the park... it's big and really cool!
Posted by Suelyn at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Late Post- Playing at Discovery Park
This swing is really cool... it's like a comfy chair!
Kenna LOVES to swing!!
Look at how CUTE she is!!
Posted by Suelyn at 10:50 PM 1 comments
Ward Campout
I had to join in the fun with these pics! I love Kaitlyn Rockwood... she rocks my world ha ha She's so awesome!
HA HA HA HA I saw Zade sitting there and HAD to take a pic because it was tooooo funny! Tall little guy isn't he?!
Oh there we go.... do you get any cuter than that? Such a sweet boy!
Posted by Suelyn at 7:18 PM 3 comments
Ward Campout
During my visit to Roosevelt I got to go to the 3rd Ward Campout! It was tons of fun :) It was a good way to get to see the ward and visit. As most of you know, Adam was there too so it was EXTRA fun :D He's great... we had lots of fun together. We played catch and card games and cleaned house in Bingo!! ha ha The whole thing was way fun!
It was fun to have Adam there... I gotta admit :)
Hi my name is Suelyn Heaton... I've been sober for 2 days.
FOURWHEELING!!! YAYA!!! That was tons of fun! I was glad that fourwheeling was included in the plans for the weekend. That was an extra awesome bonus!!
Posted by Suelyn at 7:04 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ballroom Dance Class
Today I went to my first Ballroom Dance class at SUU. I was amazed at how much Lena and Steve Puro had already taught me. They are SUCH good teachers!! They know their stuff. Anyway, we learned a cha-cha routine and it is... FAST... and fun of course :) Tomorrow night is the first Intermediate Team practice. M-W-F we have technique class and Tuesdays and Thursdays we have team practice... time consuming eh!?!?! But I think it will be worth it! I am really, really excited to go to team practice tomorrow! We are going to learn a tango, west coast swing and night club two-step... no idea what a night club two step is but that's ok ha ha Anyway, that was the highlight of my day so far :D
Posted by Suelyn at 12:44 PM 9 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
~SUU Football Game~
We played Adams State and SMOKED them!!! WOOT WOOT!!! It was lot of fun :) I love watching football... it's a great sport!
Posted by Suelyn at 7:56 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tow Truck Adventures
My friend Ryan is a tow truck driver. So sometimes I get to go on tows with him when I'm around or if he is just in the mood for company and wants me to come. I have currently been on two tire-changes and two actualy tows and one unlocking of a vehicle. It's actually a pretty good time! We get to visit while he drives there and then I get to do my homework while he changes the tire or hooks up or whatever. The first tow he took me on was like and hour and a half away ha ha It was fun :)
Posted by Suelyn at 9:51 AM 4 comments
SUU Ballroom Dance Tryouts
I tried out for SUU's ballroom team on Thursday night. There were 130 girls there and about 30 guys, which means that they could only keep 30 girls. There are three teams: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced(touring) Team. Three of my friends and I decided to try out. Cindy (next to me on the left in the turquoise skirt) and I both made the intermediate team! The tryouts were so fun!! We learned a cha-cha, waltz and jive. I love dancing!! Maybe in the Spring I will get to be on the touring team :)
Posted by Suelyn at 12:17 AM 3 comments